with your host Jeff Leitch

The game is ever-changing...we have much to discuss!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Video SEM?

There is no debate that Google AdWords revolutionized marketing. In fact, most would agree it was AdWords that enabled the skyrocket growth of online advertising over the past several years. Now there are many effective & efficient online marketing options to consider. This past week Google has introduced yet another option. They have taken the SEM, pay-per-click model and applied it to YouTube to create Video AdWords. While I agree this may increase YouTube revenues, do you believe this product will have nearly the impact of the original? Put yourself behind the consumer's laptop for a moment...do you search the same on YouTube as you do on Google? Are you seeking the same information? Does YouTube have as much influence on your investments &...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Empower the Trendsetters

Marketers have long attempted to identify trendsetters/advocates and motivate them to speak out on behalf of brands. What better way to maximize reach & impact than to create brand evangelists for your organization? Social media has helped enable these brand advocates to act proactively. Now, it appears Klout may be creating a platform for these consumers to unite. http://mashable.com/2012/04/17/klout-brand-squads-pages-red-bull/ With this concept Klout may be able to collect "brand evangelists" in one place and provide real-time direct communication with those who have the most marketing impact on your brand. This new platform may also provide a reason/incentive to become a trendsetter of your favorite brand. In theory I think it is a great marketing tool for...

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