Advertising & Marketing today is impressive, exciting and a little scary. I am one who lets down my guard to check into foursquare, never clears my cookies and is open to sharing my information frequently. There are a couple of reasons for this.
1) I enjoy watching what marketers will do with it. The more information available the more targeted and potentially effective that message can be. You've heard of the "rifle" approach, it is becoming near surgical these days.
2) I want relevant ads. I see marketing & advertising as informative. I like that foursquare knows what I like to do and might suggest places for me to go. This reduces the chance I will eat at a restaurant I hate or a bar that makes me uncomfortable. It also minimizes annoying banner ads in front of me online. Now I find myself interested and sometimes entertained.
As you can see I am perhaps not "normal" in my marketing views. What are your thoughts?
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