with your host Jeff Leitch

The game is ever-changing...we have much to discuss!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's the engagement...stupid!

How many times have you heard the "message" is just as/if not more important than the delivery? Most logical marketing & media professionals agree with that. However, today that message better be designed to ENGAGE the consumer. Online & Social media have been engaging for quite some time. Now digital billboards & TV are finding ways to engage consumers as well. Check out these examples: Engaging Digital Billboard     Engaging Television So what engaging ads have you notic...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2011 Online Revenue Review

On April 18 the IAB released the Full Year Internet Revenue Report. Here are some highlights of the 29 page report... 2011 Internet Revenue grew 21.9% over 2010's record breaking performance In 2011 Internet Advertising Revenues surpassed Cable and solidified 2nd place behind Broadcast Television which was down -1.8%. Mobile experienced the largest growth at 149% - Advertisers are recognizing the need to reach consumer where they are spending their time. Digital Video was up 29% Search (Paid & Organic) was up 27% - performance pricing accounted for approximately 65% of all Internet revenues  Display was up 15% Retail is still the #1 ad category and experienced growth in addition to Financial Services, Travel & Media What other Medium is growing 20%+...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Advertisers = Publishers

"Content is King", "We are all Publishers"...these phrases while cliche still contain truth. In fact one of the hottest trends in media right now centers around Advertisers/Brands building Publications or Entertainment Channels with content relative to their business. Fashion companies were among the first to adopt this strategy. Now we are seeing more mainstream retail products join this content strategy. Look at what Red Bull is doing with their homepage. Here you find much more than information on their energy drink and where to find it. You will see videos, photos, events, news on extreme sports and all things relating to the culture of their demographic. Red Bull understands their position and how their product is part of their consumers' lives. Therefore they focus less on...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Video SEM?

There is no debate that Google AdWords revolutionized marketing. In fact, most would agree it was AdWords that enabled the skyrocket growth of online advertising over the past several years. Now there are many effective & efficient online marketing options to consider. This past week Google has introduced yet another option. They have taken the SEM, pay-per-click model and applied it to YouTube to create Video AdWords. While I agree this may increase YouTube revenues, do you believe this product will have nearly the impact of the original? Put yourself behind the consumer's laptop for a moment...do you search the same on YouTube as you do on Google? Are you seeking the same information? Does YouTube have as much influence on your investments &...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Empower the Trendsetters

Marketers have long attempted to identify trendsetters/advocates and motivate them to speak out on behalf of brands. What better way to maximize reach & impact than to create brand evangelists for your organization? Social media has helped enable these brand advocates to act proactively. Now, it appears Klout may be creating a platform for these consumers to unite. http://mashable.com/2012/04/17/klout-brand-squads-pages-red-bull/ With this concept Klout may be able to collect "brand evangelists" in one place and provide real-time direct communication with those who have the most marketing impact on your brand. This new platform may also provide a reason/incentive to become a trendsetter of your favorite brand. In theory I think it is a great marketing tool for...

Friday, March 16, 2012

First Newspapers, now Magazines...

It is old news that Newspapers across the country are making digital leaps to transition their news delivery where consumers are spending their time. Therefore it should be no surprise that magazines are also making that same transition. Today people spend nearly 25% of their time online, so your favorite news source and/or magazine are continually looking for the easiest way to be there for you. In 2010 Conde Nast Publications launched its first iPad app with GQ Magazine. Now they are more than delivering the magazine content via the app. They are increasing their marketing metrics for those apps as well. Like many other publications, magazines are transforming from storytelling to interactive media. This changes and grows the audience and creates new opportunities...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Seize consumer attention!

Every now and then a marketing message captures your attention. However, on rare occasion a marketing message can actually quiet a room. This Chipotle commercial actually caused my Wife & I to pause our conversation while it aired. We then both commented on the spot and returned to our previous conversation. The beauty of the spot is it has altered (perhaps temporarily) my perception of Chipotle in a positive way. The big question is, will it motivate me to eat Chipotle anytime soon? What marketing has been effective enough to really acquire and maintain YOUR attention and inspire though...

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